In the wake of the carefully orchestrated psy-op farce that was the Bilderburg Fringe Festival,
I feel that people going to mass protest need to start monitoring,
videoing, collecting names of certain individuals who constantly show up
at these
'activist' events, but seem a bit too slick, drama school-trained,
well-funded and famous for no reason. Find out their names and who they
are connected with. What their previous political history was before
they became 'truthers'.
would be really useful to protect yourselves and other members of the
alternative movement. There are individuals in and around the margins of
the alternative movement who are actually infiltrators designed to find
out who the most threatening players are - in terms of their dangerous
sincerity and credibility - and then get dirt/compromise them before
they destroy the traditional state-sanctioned activists of the New
Labour feeder lefty groups. Rather than
looking at the
'given' enemy, I think we need to start looking at the same people who
go to all these events and who seem to be leaders, or hang around with
leaders, yet we have no idea how they became leaders. They may also be
trying to invoke rioting and attacking the police. These 'smash it up'
types are almost certainly infiltrators. Stay well clear.
Along with networking with sincere consciousness warriors, this is the most worthwhile reason to go to demonstrations and other Occupy-style events, as protesting achieves absolutely nothing except further excuses to be used for our enslavement. However, we should still attend these events to fish out the shills and silver-spoon fakes. The two dead giveaways are: they push climate change politics (for taxation reasons) and seem to have a love affair with socialist frugality.
Along with networking with sincere consciousness warriors, this is the most worthwhile reason to go to demonstrations and other Occupy-style events, as protesting achieves absolutely nothing except further excuses to be used for our enslavement. However, we should still attend these events to fish out the shills and silver-spoon fakes. The two dead giveaways are: they push climate change politics (for taxation reasons) and seem to have a love affair with socialist frugality.
Karl Marx called for "racial trash" such as the Irish, Poles, Scots, Slavs, Tatars, Natives to be exterminated as we were 'unscientific' and unsuited to Socialism. We like our freedom too much. This is why a silver spoon 'socialist' I had the horror of encountering once referred to me as "a Dublin guttersnipe" in her best Home Counties accent - as a 'sign of affection...' But she herself seeks out racists, misogynists, homophobes. Considering our ethnic and class differences, she was practically calling me the 'N' word...as a sign of affection no doubt.
Watch out for these shills. Some are organised and know precisely what they are doing, others are class-ridden nut jobs with an instinctual desire to target people from humble backgrounds capable of having the ability to undermine the class system which has served the elites so well, and which they must protect at all costs. The emerging alternative movement of today has no political Left/Right superficial affiliations and this makes it very worrying for the control grid.
Do not be lured back to tents by female activists. Be careful and safe. Get to know people first before you begin relationships with them. Likewise, do not sign forms or documents handed to you by some dreadlocked, well fed type with a Home Countries or similar accent. There are now several high profile cases of psychopathic police and government agents making women activists fall in love with them in order to infiltrate groups which have been documented. The fact that they are having to go to such extremes shows how scared they are of the new activism which owes no allegiance to any political doctrine(s). They can't fence us in anymore.
Do to them, what they are trying to do to us. They'll be scared off in time.
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