Majestic 12 (also known as Majic 12, Majestic Trust, M12, MJ 12, MJ XII or Majority 12) is the purported code name of a secret committee of scientists, military leaders, and government officials, supposedly formed in 1947 by an executive order of U.S. President Harry S. Truman. The purpose of the committee was to investigate UFO activity in the aftermath of the Roswell incident - the purported crash of an alien spaceship near Roswell, New Mexico, in July 1947. This alleged committee is an important part of the UFO conspiracy theory of an ongoing government cover up of UFO information.
The primary evidence for the existence of a group named Majestic twelve is a collection of documents that first emerged in 1984 and which have been the subject of much debate. The original MJ-12 documents state that: The Majestic 12 group... was established by secret executive order of President Truman on 24 September, 1947, upon recommendation by Dr. Vannevar Bush and Secretary of Defense James Forrestal.
The existence of MJ-12 has sometimes been denied by some agencies of the United States government, which insist that documents suggesting its existence are hoaxes. The FBI investigated the documents, and concluded they were forgeries, based primarily on an opinion rendered by AFOSI, the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations. Opinions among UFO researchers are divided: Some argue the documents may be genuine while others contend they are phony, primarily due to errors in formatting and chronology.
In 1985, another document mentioning MJ-12 and dating to 1954 was found in a search at the National Archives.Its authenticity is also highly controversial. The documents in question are rather widely available on the Internet, for example on the FBI website, where they are dismissed as bogus.
Since the first MJ-12 documents, thousands of pages of other supposed leaked government documents mentioning MJ-12 and a government coverup of UFO reality have also appeared, sometimes collectively referred to as the "Majestic Documents." All of them are controversial, with many disputing their authenticity. A few have been proven to be unquestionably fraudulent, usually retyped rewrites of unrelated government documents. The primary new MJ-12 document is a lengthy, linotype-set manual allegedly dating from 1954, called the MJ-12 "Special Operations Manual (SOM)". It deals primarily with the handling of crash debris and alien bodies. Objections to its authenticity usually center on questions of style and some historical anachronisms.
The MJ-12 documents are alleged to date from 1942 to 1997 and have been hotly debated in the UFO community. The documents include such matters as the conduct to be used when meeting an alien, diagrams and records of tests on UFOs, memos on assorted coverups, and descriptions of the President's statements about UFO-related issues. The documents contain supposed signatures of important people such as Albert Einstein and Ronald Reagan, creating a major debate in the conspiracy and UFO communities. No more documents have been leaked or released since 1997. Their authenticity remains uncertain, and some claim them to be entirely fake.
However, before the appearance of the various dubious MJ-12 documents, Canadian documents dating from 1950 and 1951 were uncovered in 1978. These documents mention the existence of a similar, highly classified UFO study group operating within the Pentagon's Research & Development Board (RDB) and headed by Dr. Vannevar Bush. Although the name of the group is not given, proponents argue that these documents remain the most compelling evidence that such a group did exist. There is also some testimony (see Arguments for below) from a few government scientists involved with this project confirming its existence.
Other theories of the MJ-12 group
Others have speculated that MJ-12 may have been another name for the Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit, an officially recognized UFO-related military group active from the 1940s through the late 1950s.
Another government group recently associated with MJ-12 was the CIA's Office of National Estimates or ONE, a forerunner of the current National Intelligence Council (NIC). ONE was created in 1950 by CIA Director Gen. Walter Bedell Smith, alleged to have replaced Secretary of Defense James Forrestal on MJ-12 after his death.
A history of the NIC states that ONE was a type of super branch of the CIA "whose sole task was to produce coordinated 'National Intelligence Estimates.'" Besides Smith, it apparently consisted of 11 other members. A recent article on the history of the CIA's involvement in UFO investigations states that ONE received a UFO intelligence briefing on January 30, 1953, immediately after the end of the CIA's UFO debunking study known as the Robertson Panel.
Members of ONE at that time included FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, William Bundy, President Eisenhower's chief of staff Admiral B. Bieri, and William Langer, a Harvard historian, who was chairman. Referring to ONE as "super think tank" within the CIA, the article states, "ONE is as close as we get to a documented version of the rumoured Majestic-12 group."
Connection to the secret Pratt Documents
MUFON has made the Pratt documents available online at [1]. Of interest will be the paragraph that has a handwritten date of 1/02/82 and states: "3. UFO project is Aquarius, classified Top Secret with access restricted to MJ 12. (MJ may be "magic"). This project begun about 1966, but apparently inherited files of earlier project." The significance of this paragraph is that it ties MJ12 to the Aquarius document, a known fabricated document, that alleges that Jesus Christ was an alien.
On the other hand, as a personal note from this contributor, the
Aquarius Era (12 being the twelve months of the year, for instance)
began more or less at the same time the same documents were digitized,
de-classified : maybe the reference to Aquarius is solely a temporal
reference to the moment in which the material was supposed to lose it's
status otherwise known as 'Classified Top Secret with restricted to MJ
This could be the "magic" refered in the comment, necessary for correct
interpretation - the coeherence of this interpretation might come from
the fact that Project Aquarius previous name was Project SIGN.
The original composition was six civilians (mostly scientists), and six high-ranking military officers, two from each major military service. Three (Souers, Vandenberg, and Hillenkoetter) had been the first three heads of central intelligence. The Moore/Shandera documents did not make clear who was the director of MJ-12, or if there was any organizational hierarchy.
The named members of MJ-12 were:
- Rear Adm. Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter: first CIA director
- Dr. Vannevar Bush: chaired wartime Office of Scientific Research and Development and predecessor National Defense Research Committee; set up and chaired postwar Joint Research and Development Board (JRDB) and then the Research and Development Board (RDB); chaired NACA; President of Carnegie Institute, Washington D.C.
- James Forrestal: Secretary of the Navy; first Secretary of Defense (replaced after his death on MJ-12 by Gen. Walter Bedell Smith, 2nd CIA director)
- Gen. Nathan Twining: headed Air Materiel Command at Wright-Patterson AFB; Air Force Chief of Staff (1953-1957); Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff (1957-1961)
- Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg: Directed Central Intelligence Group (1946-1947); Air Force Chief of Staff (1948-1953)
- Gen. Robert M. Montague: Guided missile expert; 1947 commander of Fort Bliss; headed nuclear Armed Forces Special Weapons Center, Sandia Base
- Dr. Jerome Hunsaker: Aeronautical engineer, MIT; chaired NACA after Bush Rear Adm. Sidney Souers: first director of Central Intelligence Group, first executive secretary of National Security Council (NSC)
- Gordon Gray: Secretary of the Army; intelligence and national security expert; CIA psychological strategy board (1951-1953); Chairman of NSC 5412 committee (1954-1958); National Security Advisor (1958-1961)
- Dr. Donald Menzel: Astronomer, Harvard; cryptologist during war; security consultant to CIA and NSA
- Dr. Detlev Bronk: Medical physicist; aviation physiologist; chair, National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council; president Johns Hopkins & Rockefeller University
- Dr. Lloyd Berkner: Physicist; radio expert; executive secretary of Bush's JRDB
- Vandenberg, as Director of Central Intelligence in 1946, had overseen investigations into the so-called Ghost rockets in Europe and wrote intelligence memos about the phenomena. Later as Air Force Chief of Staff, both Vandenberg and Twining oversaw early U.S. Air Force UFO investigations, like Project Sign and Project Blue Book and made some public statements on UFOs.
- Twining had previously written a famous Secret memo on September 23, 1947 (the day before Truman allegedly set up MJ-12) stating that flying saucers were real and urged formal investigation by multiple government organizations such as the AEC, NACA, NEPA, Bush's JRDB, and the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board. This led directly to the creation of Project Sign in late 1947.
- Vandenberg met with Bush's JRDB in a suddenly-called meeting on the morning of the Roswell UFO incident (July 8, 1947) and was reported in the press as handling the later public relations crises. Radm. Konstantine Konopisos most recently implicated to involvement with later years of the MJ12 activities as Vice JAG of the US NAVY.
- Bush was directly implicated in 1950-51 Canadian documents heading a highly secret UFO investigation within the Research and Development Board (RDB); this assertion was confirmed by Canadian scientist Wilbert B. Smith Immediately after the Roswell UFO incident, Bush made public statements denying any knowledge of UFOs or any relation they might have to secret government projects.
- Berkner was on the 1953 CIA-organized Robertson Panel debunking UFOs and helped establish Project Ozma, the first radio telescope search for extraterrestrial intelligence.
- Menzel filed a UFO report in 1949, later wrote several UFO debunking books, and was the most prominent public UFO debunker of his time. Many conspiracy theorists see this as a "cover-up" for alleged MJ12 - alien connections.
- Hillenkoetter was on the board of directors of the powerful civilian UFO organization NICAP and made public statements to Congress about UFO reality in 1960.
- The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), which Hunsaker chaired from 1941-1958, is also known from documents to have occasionally delved into UFO cases. Other members of NACA were Bush (1938-1948), Compton (1948-1949), Vandenberg (1948-1953), Twining (1953-1957), and Bronk (1948-1958).
- Teller was a member of a scientific panel in 1949 at Los Alamos National Laboratory looking into the UFO phenomenon known as the green fireballs
Professional and social connections between purported MJ-12 members
Various alleged MJ-12 members or participants would also naturally be part of the Presidential office's National Security Council, created in 1947. This would include (depending on NSC composition, which evolved) various NSC permanent members: Executive Secretary (Souers, Cutler), the Secretary of Defense (Forrestal), the Secretary of the Army (Gray), National Security Advisor (Gray), and the Air Force Chief of Staff (Vandenberg, Twining). Other nonpermanent members who would attend NSC meetings as advisors and implement policy would be the CIA director (Hillenkoetter, Smith), the head of the Research and Development Board (Bush, Compton), the President's Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Cutler, Gray), and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs (Twining). Therefore the supposed members and participating personnel of MJ-12 would have served on many other high government agencies and could conceivably have influenced government policy at many levels. (See also list of supposed current MJ-12 members below, again indicating various individuals who have served in high government positions.)
The purported members were trusted and high ranking officials and scientists, with a history of inclusion in important government projects and councils; they possessed a diverse range of skills and knowledge while also having a high security clearance. At the same time that they possessed these qualities, however, they were not so public figures as to be instantly missed should they be called upon in an emergency one wished to keep secret. If such a group existed, these members would be the likely types of individuals to be part of its membership.
One sentence in the lengthy teletype read:
The official US Government policy and results of Project Aquarius is
still classified TOP SECRET with no dissemination outside channels and
with access restricted to "MJ TWELVE."
As Bennewitz was the subject of a disinformation campaign, many investigators are automatically suspicious of any documents or claims made in association with the Bennewitz affair. Because the entire MJ-12 affair made its appearance only a year after Bray had made public the incriminating Canadian documents about the secret UFO committee, one theory[citation needed] is that the Project Aquarius teletype was part of a counterintelligence hoax to discredit the information in the just-revealed Canadian documents. Thus the various MJ-12 documents could be fake, but the secret committee described in the verified Canadian documents could still have been real.
Just prior to Bennewitz and the Aquarius document, Moore had been contacted in September 1980 by Doty, who described himself as representing a shadowy group of 10 military intelligence insiders who claimed to be opposed to UFO secrecy. Moore called them "The Aviary".
In January 1981, Doty provided Moore with a copy of the phony Aquarius document with mention of MJ Twelve. Moore would later claim in 1989 that he began collaborating with AFOSI in spying on fellow researchers such as Bennewitz, and dispensing disinformation, ostensibly to gain the trust of the military officers, but reality to learn whatever UFO truth they might have, and also to learn how the military manipulated UFO researcher. In return, Doty and others were to leak information to him.
Later it would turn out that some of the UFO documents given Moore were genuine, but others were forged by Doty and compatriots, or were retyped and altered from the originals. Furthermore, the film mailed Shandera with the MJ-12 documents was postmarked "Albuquerque," raising the obvious suspicion that the MJ-12 documents were more bogus documents arising from Doty and AFOSI in Albuquerque.
In 1983, Doty also targeted UFO researcher and journalist Linda Moulton Howe, revealing alleged high-level UFO documents, including those describing crashed alien flying saucers and recovery of aliens. Doty again mentioned MJ-12, explaining that ÒMJÓ stood for ÒMajorityÓ (not ÒMajesticÓ)
Moore soon showed a copy of the Aquarius/MJ 12 teletype given him by Doty to researchers Brad Sparks and Kal Korff. In 1983, Moore also sought Sparks' reaction to a plan to create counterfeit government UFO documents, hoping to induce former military officers to speak out. Sparks strongly urged Moore not do this.
The previous year Moore had similarly approached nuclear physicist and UFO researcher Stanton T. Friedman about creating bogus Roswell documents, again with the idea of encouraging witnesses to come forward. Also, in early 1982, Moore had approached former National Enquirer reporter Bob Pratt (who had first published a story on Roswell in the Enquirer in 1980). Moore asked Pratt to collaborate on novel called MAJIK-12.
As a result, Pratt always believed that the Majestic-12 papers were a hoax, either perpetrated personally by Moore or perhaps by AFOSI, with Doty using Moore as a willing target. Moore, however, flatly denied creating the documents, but eventually thought that maybe he had been set up. Noted UFO skeptic Philip J. Klass would also argue that Moore was the most likely hoaxer of the initial batch of MJ-12 documents.
Unlike Pratt, who was convinced they were a hoax, Friedman would investigate the historical and technical details in the MJ-12 documents and become their staunchest defender.
The 1984/1985 MJ-12 Papers
Eisenhower did indeed receive extensive briefings November 18, 1952, including a briefing at the Pentagon by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, which would have included alleged MJ-12 members Twining and Vandenberg. However, EisenhowerÕs Pentagon briefing is still classified and thus the subject matter discussed remains speculative.
A few months later, a happenstance request from Friedman unlocked the mystery: busy due to previous obligations, Friedman asked Moore and Shandera to examine newly declassified Air Force documents at the National Archives (NARA) repository in Suitland, Maryland; the head archivist there was named Ed Reese.
After a few days in Suitland, Shandera and Moore discovered yet another MJ-12 document, the so-called Cutler/Twining memo, dated July 14, 1954. Interestingly enough, the memo turned up in "Box 189" of the record group. In this memo, NSC Executive Secretary and EisenhowerÕs National Security Advisor Robert Cutler informed Air Force Chief of Staff (and alleged MJ-12 member) Nathan Twining of a change of plans in a scheduled MJ-12 briefing.
The Cutler-Twining memo lacked a distinctive catalog number, leading many to suspect that whether hoaxed or genuine, the memo was almost certainly planted in the archives.
Moore and Shandera have been accused of hoaxing the memo and then planting it in the archives. However, Friedman notes that the memo, unlike the other early MJ-12 papers which were available only as photos, is on original onionskin paper widely used by the government at that time. It also has some subtle historical and other details that a civilian hoaxer would be unlikely to know, such as a red pencil declassification marking also found with the other declassified files.
Furthermore, NARA security procedures would make it difficult for a visitor to the Archives to plant such a document; even the skeptical Klass argued that NARA security procedures made it highly unlikely that Shandera and Moore could have planted the Cutler-Twining memo in the archives. Instead, Friedman has argued that one of the many Air Force personnel involved in declassifying NARA documents could easily have planted the Cutler/Twining memo in with other unrelated documents.
However, most researchers have argued[citation needed] that various subtle details point to a forgery (though this doesnÕt negate FriedmanÕs point that the memo could have been planted by someone in the Air Force). For example, the date of the alleged MJ-12 meeting does not correspond to any known meeting of import.
The National Archives has received many requests for documentation and information about "Project MJ-12." Many of the inquiries concern a memorandum from Robert Cutler to Gen. Nathan Twining, dated July 14, 1954. This particular document poses problems for the following reasons:
1. The document was located in Record Group 341, entry 267. The series is filed by a Top Secret register number. This document does not bear such a number.
2. The document is filed in the folder T4-1846. There are no other documents in the folder regarding "NSC/MJ-12."
3. Researchers on the staff of the National Archives have searched in the records of the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Chiefs on Staff, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, and in other related files. No further information has been found on this subject.
4. Inquiries to the U.S. Air Force, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the National Security Council failed to produce further information.
5. The Freedom of Information Office of the National Security Council informed the National Archives that "Top Secret Restricted Information" is a marking which did not come into use at the National Security Council until the Nixon Administration. The Eisenhower Presidential Library also confirm that this particular marking was not used during the Eisenhower Administration.
6. The document in question does not bear an official government letterhead or watermark. The NARA conservation specialist examined the paper and determined it was a ribbon copy prepared on "diction onionskin." The Eisenhower Library has examined a representative sample of the documents in its collection of the Cutler papers. All documents in the sample created by Mr. Cutler while he served on the NSC staff have an eagle watermark in the bond paper. The onionskin carbon copies have either an eagle watermark or no watermark at all. Most documents sent out by the NSC were prepared on White House letterhead paper. For the brief period when Mr. Cutler left the NSC, his carbon copies were prepared on "prestige onionskin."
7. The National Archives searched the Official Meeting Minute Files of the National Security Council and found no record of an NSC meeting on July 16, 1954. A search of all NSC Meeting Minutes for July 1954 found no mention of MJ-12 nor Majestic.
8. The Judicial, Fiscal and Social Branch searched the indices of the NSC records and found no listing for: MJ-12, Majestic, unidentified flying objects, UFO, flying saucers, or flying discs.
9. NAJA found a memo in a folder titled "Special Meeting July 16, 1956" which indicated that NSC members would be called to a civil defense exercise on July 16, 1956.
10. The Eisenhower Library states, in a letter to the Military Reference Branch, dated July 16, 1987: "president Eisenhower's Appointment Books contain no entry for a special meeting on July 16, 1954 which might have included a briefing on MJ-12. Even when the President had 'off the record' meetings, the Appointment Books contain entries indicating the time of the meeting and the participants ...
"The Declassification office of the National Security Council has informed us that it has no record of any declassification action having been taken on this memorandum or any other documents on this alleged project ..."
Robert Cutler, at the direction of President Eisenhower, was visiting overseas military installations of the day he supposedly issued this memorandum - July 14, 1954. The Administration Series in Eisenhower's Papers as President contains Cutler's memorandum and report to the President upon his return from the trip. The memorandum is dated July 20, 1954 and refers to Cutler's visits to installations in Europe and North Africa between July 3 and 15. Also, within the NSC Staff Papers is a memorandum dated July 3, 1954, from Cutler to his two subordinates, James S. Lay and J. Patrick Cone, explaining how they should handle NSC administrative matters during his absence; one would assume that if the memorandum to Twining were genuine, Lay or Cone would have signed it."
The FBI Investigation
After the documents became widely known with the publication of GoodÕs book, the Federal Bureau of Investigations then began its own investigation, urged on by debunker Philip J. Klass. The MJ-12 documents were supposedly classified as "Top Secret", and the FBI's initial concern was that someone within the U.S. government had illegally leaked highly classified information.
The FBI quickly formed doubts as to the documents' authenticity. FBI personnel contacted the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (counterintelligence), asking if MJ-12 had ever existed. AFOSI claimed that no such committee had ever been authorized or formed, and that the documents were Òbogus.Ó The FBI adopted the AFOSI opinion and the FBIÕs official position became that the MJ-12 documents were "completely bogus.Ó
However, when Stanton Friedman contacted the AFOSI officer, Col. Richard Weaver, who had rendered this opinion, Friedman said Weaver refused to document his assertion. Friedman also noted that Weaver had taught disinformation and propaganda courses for AFOSI and was principal author of the Air ForceÕs debunking Roswell report in 1994. (Friedman, 110-115)
Timothy Good in Beyond Top Secret also noted that Weaver in 1994 was the Director of Security and Special Programs Oversight of AFOSIÕs Pentagon office, a very high level organization within the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force. Good commented that AFOSI is Òan agency whose work involves counterintelligence and deception, and which has a long record of deep involvement in the UFO problem.Ó Within WeaverÕs office were 'special planners.'
According to Good, "In Air Force parlance, the term 'special plans' is a euphemism for deception as well as for 'perception management' plans and operations." Conducting an interview with one Roswell witness, Weaver himself admitted, ÒWeÕre the people who keep the secrets.Ó It is difficult to tell from interviews such as these, as the cold war tactics of deceptions within deceptions are intentionally vague as to where the disinformation and coverup of espionage ends and the government's actual investigation into UFOs begins.
William Moore would later reveal that the whole New Mexico UFO disinformation scheme was run out of the Pentagon by a Colonel Barry Hennessey of AFOSI. When the Defense Department phone directory was checked, Hennessey was listed under the "Dept. of Special Techniques." Working under him at the time was the same Col. Weaver.
Friedman therefore raised the question as to whether Weaver rendered an objective intelligence opinion about the authenticity of the MJ-12 papers or was deliberately misleading the FBI as a counterintelligence and disinformation agent, much like Doty had done with Moore and Howe earlier. Journalist Howard Blum in his book Out There (1990) further described the FBIÕs difficulty in getting at the truth of the matter. One frustrated FBI agent told Blum, "All weÕre finding out is that the government doesnÕt know what it knows. There are too many secret levels. You canÕt get a straight story. It wouldnÕt surprise me if we never know if the papers are genuine or not."
MJ-12 in Later Conspiracy Theory
Present-day MJ-12
Another person to say that MJ-12 still existed was Dr. Eric Walker. When originally contacted, Walker said he had known of their existence since their creation in 1947. Similar to Novel, Walker in a later 1990 interview said the current membership was mostly American but had added some foreigners. They were a highly elite group of individuals and Walker repeatedly discouraged interviewers from trying to learn more, saying there was nothing the average person could do.
Arguments For ... Wikipedia
Arguments Against ... Wikipedia
More on Majestic 12 Wikipedia
Project Grudge
Project Bluebook
By the time Project Blue Book ended, it had collected 12,618 UFO reports, and concluded that most of them were misidentifications of natural phenomena (clouds, stars, et cetera) or conventional aircraft. A few were considered hoaxes. 701 of the reports - about six percent - were classified as unknowns, defying detailed analysis. The UFO reports were archived and are available under the Freedom of Information Act, but names and other personal information of all witnesses have been redacted. Though many accepted Blue Book's final conclusions that there was nothing extraordinary about UFOs, critics - then and now - have charged that Blue Book, especially in its later years, was engaging in dubious research, or even perpetuating a cover up of UFO evidence. Some evidence suggests that not only did some UFO reports bypass Blue Book entirely, but that the U.S. Air Force continued collecting and studying UFO reports after Blue Book had been discontinued, despite official claims to the contrary.
The Trilateral Commission
Other founding members included Alan Greenspan and Paul Volcker, both eventually heads of the Federal Reserve system.
Its first executive committee meeting was held in Tokyo in October 1973. In May 1976, the first plenary meeting of all of the Commission's regional groups took place in Kyoto, attended by Jimmy Carter.
Today it consists of approximatively 300Ð350 private citizens from Europe, Pacific Asia (Asia & Oceania), and North America, and exists to promote closer political and economic cooperation between these areas, which are the primary industrial regions in the world. Its official journal from its founding is a magazine called Trialogue.
Membership is divided into numbers proportionate to each of its three regional areas. These members include corporate CEOs, politicians of all major parties, distinguished academics, university presidents, labor union leaders and not-for-profits involved in overseas philanthropy. Members who gain a position in their respective country's government must resign from the Commission.
The organization has come under much scrutiny and criticism by political activists and academics working in the social and political sciences. The Commission has found its way into a number of conspiracy theories, especially when it became known that President Jimmy Carter appointed 26 former Commission members to senior positions in his Administration.
Later it was revealed that Carter himself was a former Trilateral member. In the 1980 election, it was revealed that Carter and his two major opponents, John B. Anderson and George H. W. Bush, were also members, and the Commission became a campaign issue. Ronald Reagan supporters noted that he was not a Trilateral member, but after he was chosen as Republican nominee he chose Bush as his running mate; as president, he appointed a few Trilateral members to Cabinet positions and held a reception for the Commission in the White House in 1984.
The John Birch Society, which takes a conspiracy-oriented view, believes that the Trilateral Commission is dedicated to a one-world government.
In 1980, Holly Sklar released a book titled Trilateralism: the Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning for World Management. Since many of the members were businesspeople or bankers, actions that they took or encouraged that helped the banking industry have been noted. Jeremiah Novak, writing in the July 1977 issue of Atlantic, said that after international oil prices rose when Nixon set price controls on American domestic oil, many developing countries were required to borrow from banks to buy oil: "The Trilaterists' emphasis on international economics is not entirely disinterested, for the oil crisis forced many developing nations, with doubtful repayment abilities, to borrow excessively.
All told, private multinational banks, particularly Rockefeller's Chase Manhattan, have loaned nearly $52 billion to developing countries. An overhauled IMF would provide another source of credit for these nations, and would take the big private banks off the hook.This proposal is the cornerstone of the Trilateral plan."
The North American continent is represented by 107 members (15 Canadian, seven Mexican and 85 U.S. citizens). The European group has reached its limit of 150 members, including citizens from Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and the United Kingdom.
At first, Asia and Oceania were represented only by Japan. However, in 2000 the Japanese group of 85 members expanded itself, becoming the Pacific Asia group, composed of 117 members: 75 Japanese, 11 South Koreans, seven Australian and New Zealand citizens, and 15 members from the ASEAN nations (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand). The Pacific Asia group also includes nine members from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.
The Jason Society Theory
MJ-12 allegedly operates inside the Jason Society. The top 12 members of the 32 members of the Jason Society were designated as MJ-12. MJ-12 has control of everything. They are designated by the code J-1, J-2, J-3, etc. all the way through themembers of the Jason Society. The director of Central Intelligence was appointed J-1 and is the Director of the MJ-12 group. MJ-12 use to only be responsible to the President of the United States (not true anymore). The actual cost of funding the Alien connected projects is higher than anything you could imagine.
Some believe that, MJ-12 runs most of the worlds illegal drug trade to hide funding and thus keep the secret from congress and the people of the United States. It was justified in that it would identify and eliminate the weak and undesired elements of our society.
A secret meeting place was constructed for the MJ-12 group in Maryland and is only accessible by air. It contains full living, recreational, and other facilities for the MJ-12 group and the Jason Society. It is code named "The Country Club". The land for The Country Club was donated by the Rockerfeller family. Only those with Ultra Top Secret - MAJI clearances are allowed to attend.
MAJI - Majority Agency for Joint Intelligence: All information, disinformation, and intelligence is gathered and evaluated by this agency. This agency is responsible for all disinformation and operates in conjunction with the CIA, NSA, DIA, and the Office of Naval Intelligence. This is a very powerful organization and all Alien projects are under its control. MAJI is responsible only to MJ-12. MAJIC is the security classification and clearance of all Alien connected material, projects, and information.
MAJIC is also MAJI.
MJ-1 is the classification for the director of MAJI, who is the director of the CIA and reports only to the President. Other members of MAJI are designnated MJ-2, MJ-3, etc. This is why there is some confusion about references of MJ-12, the group or MJ-12 the person.
Designation for MJ-12, the group are MAJI or MAJIC Designation in official documents about MJ-12 means the person only.
In 1947, PROJECT SIGN was created to acquire as much information as possible about UFO's, their performance characteristics and their purposes. In order to preserve security, liason between Project Sign and MJ-12 was limited to two individuals within the intelligence division of the Air Material Command whose roll was to pass along certain types of information through channels. Project Sign evolved Project Grudge in December of 1948. Project Grudge had an overt civilian counterpart named PROJECT BLUE BOOK, with which we are all familiar. Only "Safe" reports were passed to Project Blue Book.
MJ-12 was originally organized by General George C. Marshall in July 1947 to study the Roswell-Magdalena UFO crash recovery and debris. Admiral Hillenkoetter, director of the CIA from May 1, 1947 until September 1950, decided to activate the "Robertson Panel," which was designed to monitor civilian UFO study groups that were appearing all over the country. He also joined NICAP in 1956 and was chosen as a member of its board of directors. It was from this position that he was able to act as the MJ-12 "Mole", along with his team of other covert experts. They were able to steer NICAP in any direction they wanted to go. With the "Flying Saucer Program" under complete control of MJ-12 and with the physical evidence hidden away, General Marshall felt more at ease with this very bizarre situation. These men and their successors have most successfully kept most of the public fooled up to the present, including much of the western world, by setting up false experts and throwing their influence behind them to make their plan work, with considerable success until now.
Within 6 months of the Roswell crash on July 2, 1947 and the finding of another crashed UFO at San Augustine Flats near Magdelena, New Mexico on July 3, 1947, a great deal of reorganization of agencies and shuffling of people took place. The main thrust behind the original "Security Lid", and the very reason for its construction, was the analysis and attempted duplication of the technologies of the discs. The activity was headed up by the following groups.
1. The Research and Development Board (R&DB)
2. Air Force Research and Development (AFRD)
3. The Office of Naval Research (ONR)
4. CIA Office of Scientific Intelligence (CIA-OSI)
5. NSA Office of Scientific Intelligence (NSA-OSI)
No single one of these groups knew the whole story, which is not uncommon in conspiratorial circles. Each group was to know only the parts that MJ-12 allowed them to know. MJ-12 also operates through the various civilian intelligence and investigative groups. The CIA and FBI are manipulated by MJ-12 to carry out their purposes. The NSA was created in the first place to protect the secret of the recovered flying discs, and eventually got complete control over all communication intelligence. This control allows the NSA to monitor any individual through mail, telephone, telexes, telegrams, and now through on-line computers, monitoring private andpersonal communications as they may desire.
PLATO is the project responsible for Diplomatic Relations with the Aliens. This project secured a formal treaty with the aliens.
AQUARIUS is the project which compiled the history of the Alien presence and interaction on Earth and the HOMO SAPIENS.
GARNET is the project responsible for control of all information and documents regarding the Alien subjects and accountability of their information and documents.
PLUTO is a project responsible for evaluating all UFO and IAC information pertaining to space technology.
POUNCE project was formed to recover all downed and/or crashed craft and Aliens. This project provided cover stories and operations to mask the true endeavor, whenever necessary. Covers which have been used were crashed experimental aircraft, construction, Mining, etc. This project has been successful and is ongoing today.
NRO is the National Recon Organization based at Fort Carson, Colorado. It's responsible for security on all Alien or Alien Spacecraft connected to the projects.
DELTA is the designation for the specific arm of NRO which is especially trained and tasked with security of all MAJI projects. It's a security team and task force from NRO especially trained to provide Alien tasked projects and LUNA security (Also has the CODE NAME: "Men In Black" [MIB]). This project is ongoing.
BLUE TEAM is the first project responsible for reaction and/or recovery of downed and/or crashed Alien craft and/or Aliens. This was a U.S. Air Force Material Command project.
SIGN is the second project responsible for collection of intelligence and determining whether Alien presence constitutes a treat to the U.S. National Security. SIGN absorbed the BLUE TEAM project. This was a U.S. Air Force and CIA project.
REDLIGHT was the project to test fly recovered Alien craft. This project was postponed after every attempt resulted in the destruction of the craft and death of the pilots. This project was carried out at AREA 51, Groom Lake, (Dreamland) in Nevada. Project REDLIGHT was resumed in 1972. This project has been partially successful. UFO sightings of craft accompanied by Black Helicopters are Project REDLIGHT assets. This project is now ongoing at AREA 51 in Nevada. (Believed to have moved to Mexico at this time for testing).
SNOWBIRD was established as a cover for Project Redlight. A "Flying Saucer" type aircraft was built using conventional technology. It was unveiled to the press and flown in public on several occasions. The purpose was to explain accidental sightings or disclosures of Redlight as having been Snowbird crafts. This was a very successful disinformation operation. This project is only activated when needed. This deception has not been used for many years. This project is currently in mothballs, until it is needed again.
BLUE BOOK was a U.S. Air Force, UFO, and Alien Intelligence collection and disinformation project. This project was terminated and its collected information and duties were absorbed by project Aquarius. A classified report named "Grudge/Blue Book, Report Number 13" is the only significant information derived from the project and is unavailable to the public.
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