- Teens shouldn't be forced into finishing studies - Abbott
- Lib leader says only the right kids should stay in school
The Opposition believes some teenagers are better off leaving high school and starting an apprenticeship. Picture: Kelly Barnes
Source: TheAustralian
ONLY "the right kids'' should be encouraged to finish high school
while other 16-year-olds should leave at year 10 to take up
apprenticeships, Tony Abbott said today.
Schools would otherwise become “glorified occupational therapy'', –How?– the Opposition Leader said.Mr Abbott wants to investigate a return to the former Coalition Government's scheme for technical high schools and school-based apprenticeships.
His comments also signalled a return to the Coalition's past emphasis on trade training over university degrees, and clashed with the current Government's priority that high school matriculation be a minimum general education standard.
But the only clear message was that Mr Abbott declined to endorse a Labor Government election promise to pay families $4000 to help keep teenagers in school longer, saying the spending would have to be appropriately targeted.
“The other point I want to make is that it's all very well keeping kids at school past year 10 but they've got to be the right kids being kept at school past year 10,'' Mr Abbott told Sydney radio 2UE.
“A lot of kids would probably be better off in the long run leaving school at year 10 and getting an apprenticeship rather than staying on doing an academic or quasi-academic time at school when in the end it's the practical trades that we need.
And how many of his children are involved in these "practical trades"?
“I mean, one of the great initiatives of the Howard Government was to try to foster these school based apprenticeships to try to get back to a considerable extent towards, if you like, technical high schools.
“And I guess I'd want to carefully study this and make sure that the right kids are getting the money and that we really were keeping the right kids at school because if you've got the wrong kids at school it can end up like a glorified occupational therapy basically.''
He told reporters later: “It's important that some kids stay at school and go on to university, it's also important that other kids get a good technical education.''
But Families Minister Jenny Macklin accused Mr Abbott of saying “only certain children, only the right sort of children'' should complete high school.
“Mr Abbott really needs to explain who it is, which of these teenagers that don't deserve the support that we want to provide to all of our teenagers to make sure they get the chance to stay on at school or vocational education, so that they get the best chance for a good education and a good job,'' Ms Macklin said.
The Minister had supported the payment when it was debated in Parliament.
“Now he's back to his old habits of just saying no,'' she said.
“Mr Abbott should recognise that teenagers once they turn 16, don't cost less, they actually cost more.
“Having brought up three kids myself I know they don't cost less once they turn 16. And Mr Abbott should keep up, recognise that parents need that extra financial support when their children turn 16.''
The Government strategy on early school leavers would aim at keeping youngsters at both high schools and in vocational education such as TAFE courses.
It will honour an election promise by Prime Minister Julia Gillard to help parents cover the costs of education through the tax system.
They would be offered income tested payments of up to $4000 to help keep 16-19 year olds at school or in vocational training until year 12.
The payments will be in the form of an income-tested boost to the existing Family Tax Benefit A.
Students would have to stay in full-time secondary school study or a vocational equivalent such as a TAFE course.
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