Monday, November 12, 2012


  • Man named locally as Linford House, 19, from Kent was arrested on suspicion of an offence under the Malicious Communications Act
  • The image of a Royal British Legion paper poppy being held to a cigarette lighter was posted online
By Amanda Williams& Mikiverse Politics

Police have arrested a young man after a picture of a burning poppy was posted on Facebook. So this is England. The land where you get arrested for engaging in an act of peaceful political protest
Linford House, 19, was arrested on Remembrance Sunday after the image of a Royal British Legion paper poppy being held to a cigarette lighter was posted online.
Underneath was written: 'How about that you squadey (sic) c****.'
The image of a Royal British Legion paper poppy being held to a cigarette lighter was posted online on SundayA picture believed to be Linney House, the man who is said to have been arrested, posted online. The words have been superimposed over the image by a third party A man, named locally as Linford House (pictured right), 19, was arrested yesterday after the image (left) appeared online. The words on the right image have been written on by a third party, who posted it online
Kent police confirmed that a 19-year-old man, from Aylesham, Kent, was arrested on suspicion of 'malicious telecommunications' -think thought crimes and remember that 1984 is an English creation- on Sunday and remains in custody.So much for innocent until proven guilty.
Police said they were contacted at 4pm on Sunday just hours after an Armistice Day service was held in the suspect's village.
The picture was spotted online before a number of calls were made to police.
Naked pictures from the suspect's social media pages were posted as a wave of public anger -public anger is very important if it agrees with the corporate media agenda, and very unimportant when it doesn't agree with the corporate agenda such as before the failed Iraqi invasion. Of course we are not told anything about the size of this wave which indicates it is the size of a Port Phillip Bay wave as opposed to the waves that you see @ the Banzai Pipeline, Oahu- appeared to mount against him following the allegations.
House is said to be a keen sportsman and a member of the Snowdown Colliery Rugby Football Club, where his father Keith is club captain, according to its website.
Chairman Jim Ritson said: 'Firstly, he [Linford House] was not representing the club in any way when he put the picture online.
Sportsman: House is said to be a member of the Snowdown Colliery Rugby Football Club, where his father Keith is club captain
Sportsman: House is said to be a member of the Snowdown Colliery Rugby Football Club, where his father Keith is club captain
'He was drunk at the time and it is not something we condone at all. He has always been a very dedicated rugby player and always seemed like a great lad.
'As a club we will be meeting up to discuss the matter and to discuss how we deal with the situation.'
The suspect lives with his parents Keith House, 50, and Sara Holmes, in a red-brick detached house on the edge of Aylesham.
He has an older sister called Charnelle House, 21, and is part of a well-known large local family with 12 cousins.
Within just two hours of his arrest the burning poppy image was being circulated online and was published on the EDL Anglian Division Page by 11.14pm.
House was then outed this morning by an unknown Facebook user who posted a naked image of the suspect on Twitter.
The image was later re-tweeted dozens of times and appeared on some blogs with a super-imposed poppy covering House's groin.
On some blogs it was captioned: 'I think it's funny to burn poppies and post the pic on Facebook. I live in Elvington, In Kent. My name is Linney 'Power' House.'
Linford's father Keith has refused to comment. He said: 'I'm not talking to anyone at the moment. Goodbye.'
Aylesham resident Jane Bates, 34, whose grandfather served in the Second World War, said: 'The village of Aylesham doesn't deserve this and I really hope it doesn't reflect badly on us.
'This is a traditional mining village with lots of hardworking people and they are absolutely fuming.'
Previous incidents of poppy burning have seen defendants mount a defence of freedom of expression based on European human rights laws. 
The move has prompted a Twitter outcry with users criticising police for 'abusing civil liberties'.
The Facebook profile for House has now been removed.
Outrage: Muslim protesters burning a poppy at a Muslims against Remembrance Day protest on Exhibition Road in London, on the anniversary of Armistice Day, in 2010Image shows Emdadur Choudhury in Stepney Green Park, East London
Emdadur Choudhury (right), a member of Muslims Against Crusades (MAC), was found guilty of burning replica poppies during a two-minute silence on Remembrance Day 2010
Police said: 'Officers were contacted at around 4pm yesterday (Sunday, 11 November 2012) and alerted to the picture, which was reportedly accompanied by an offensive comment.
'Following an investigation by Kent Police a 19-year-old Canterbury man was arrested on suspicion of an offence under the malicious communications act. He is currently in custody.'
David Allen Green, a journalist and lawyer for the New Statesman, tweeting as Jack of Kent, wrote: 'Dear idiots at @kent_police, burning a poppy may be obnoxious, but it is not a criminal offence.'
He added: 'What was the point of winning either World War if, in 2012, someone can be casually arrested by Kent Police for burning a poppy?' 
Australian musician and comedian Tim Minchin also tweeted his shock: He said: 'You've a right to burn a (fake!) poppy. Whether I agree with the action is utterly irrelevant. Kent Police are out of line.'
Dr Evan Harris, a former MP, tweeted: '@timminchin's views on poppy burning arrest (see here ) are quite right. We need to change both law & police approach.'
Emdadur Choudhury, a member of Muslims Against Crusades (MAC), was found guilty of using threatening or abusive words or behaviour, after he burned replica poppies during a two-minute silence on Remembrance Day in 2010
Protesters support Emdadur Choudhury, a member of Muslims Against Crusades (MAC), who was found guilty of using threatening or abusive words or behaviour, after he burned replica poppies during a two-minute silence on Remembrance Day in 2010

Free speech campaigners at Article 19 said urgent guidance from Keir Starmer, the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), was needed, and that he should protect free speech.
Its executive director, Agnes Callamard, said: 'Causing offence, showing poor judgment or expressing views which people find to be in bad taste should not amount to criminal prosecution.
'The right to freedom of expression protects conduct that might be found by some people as upsetting or insensitive.
'A society that allows public debate and criticism, no matter how much that might offend sensibilities, is a healthy one.
'You don't have to support this man's views to support his right to be able to express them.
'Censorship and violations against human rights are values which were fought over during the world wars, which makes this case somewhat ironic.'
Becky Warren from the Royal British Legion, which runs the Poppy Appeal, said she could not comment on the situation as there was an ongoing police investigation.
The arrest comes after a masked man, wearing a pink corset and stockings, outraged Remembrance Day crowds by skateboarding alongside the parade of marching troops in Bristol yesterday.

The Bristol intruder was tackled by a policeman who dragged him through the crowd - as people shouted their disgust at him. yet, not charged under the Orwellian 'public order, malicious communications, or malicious telecommunications acts'  
Witnesses -reliable? given that they are at a pro war rally and potentially guilty of offences that the police are happy to ignore, possibly because of a conflict of interest?- say several police officers -that sounds like typical police overkill- then had to pin the man down as he initially -was it really attempting to resist arrest or could it be that he was trying to protect himself against police brutality for engaging in an unpopular act of political protest? Is this because England is an elitist class system that bestows privileges on people rather than recognising that they have inalienable rights as free people?-attempted to resist arrest.
He was arrested on suspicion of a section five public order offence and later charged.
According to the Crown Prosecution Service, the Malicious Communications Act 1988, section 1-is not section five, so why is it being written about in this context? Lazy, or, incompetent journalistic/editorial standard's? Because it suits a political agenda? , 'deals with the sending to another of any article which is indecent or grossly offensive, or which conveys a threat, or which is false, provided there is an intent to cause distress or anxiety to the recipient.'

A masked man, wearing a pink corset and stockings, outraged Remembrance Day crowds by skateboarding alongside the parade of marching troops in Bristol yesterday
A masked man, wearing a pink corset and stockings, outraged Remembrance Day crowds by skateboarding alongside the parade of marching troops in Bristol yesterday

He was surrounded by police who protected him against angry crowds
He was surrounded by police who protected him against angry crowds
Nick Pickles, director of civil liberties campaign group Big Brother Watch,  said the latest arrest in Kent was 'ridiculous'.
He said: 'Kent Police need to urgently release this man and drop an utterly ridiculous investigation into something that has harmed no-one.
'It is not illegal to offend people and, however idiotic or insensitive the picture may have been, it is certainly not worthy of arrest.
'This case highlights the urgent need to reform a law that poses a serious risk to freedom of speech after several ludicrous prosecutions in recent months.'
The Poppy Appeal is the Legion's biggest fundraising campaign and raises vital funds to support troops and their families.

WORRYING TREND OF YOUNG PEOPLE WHO ARE WILLING TO BURN A POPPY -This is obviously nothing more than an opinion, designed to advance a political agenda, delivered without justification. I have never considered the concept of 'burning a poppy', but, it may well be on my 'to-do list' in 2013-providing of course that we are still around after the Mayan calender ends, presuming that it hasn't already. To that end, we at Mikiverse Politics wish to thank the boffins @ both the Daily Mail tabloid, as well as the sometimes psychopathic, mindless drones of England's corporate policy force and the arrogant racist elites of the English Parliament who created this controversy in the first place for their own financial gain and maybe even their own perverse pleasure. :)

Outrage: Muslim protesters burning a poppy at a Muslims against Remembrance Day protest on Exhibition Road in London, on the anniversary of Armistice Day, in 2010
Last year, Police in Northern Ireland arrested a number of people after a picture of two youths burning a poppy was posted on Facebook.
And Emdadur Choudhury, a member of Muslims Against Crusades (MAC), was found guilty of using threatening or abusive words or behaviour, after he burned replica poppies during a two-minute silence on Remembrance Day in 2010.
The maximum fine possible was £1,000, plus legal costs, yet he was fined only £50, plus a £15 victim surcharge.
A second man was cleared of the same offence due to 'lack of evidence'.
More worryingly, these two events, one being an arrest -seemingly without charge or conviction, the other, a definite act of political protest are the constituting ingredients in this so-called 'worrying trend' that the Daily Mail has turned into a mini article within an article. 
What it really proves is that the Mail is more intent on pushing a political wheelbarrow than evenly covering events that may be newsworthy.  

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