Monday, October 8, 2012


Man with Top Secret security clearance treated like terrorist
Paul Joseph Watson
October 3, 2012
An FBI employee has exclusively revealed to Infowars how he was “molested” by TSA agents despite having a Top Secret security clearance, while TSA workers also allowed his partner through security with an unmarked bag of white powder.
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Chad Robinson writes of how he was traveling through Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, the same location of the recent “all stop” drill where TSA agents ordered all passengers to freeze for no discernable reason other than obedience training.
When Robinson told a female TSA worker he would like to opt out of the X-ray body scanner, the agent “screamed” for a male TSA agent to conduct a search, an action Snow took to be an “intimidation tactic.”
Snow was then verbally chastised for attempting to retrieve his belongings, which included his FBI credentials.
“Now the man screamed for another male to assist him to search me. I was asked if I wanted a private room and said of course. The other male TSA agent took my belongings and the two had me in a room, where they opened up my waistband and felt around my buttocks, as well as sliding their hands entirely too close to my genitals,” writes Robinson.
“The whole process was a joke and would obviously never prevent an attack, but here they were fondling someone who spent two years and thousands of government dollars going through a background check for a Top Secret security clearance.”
  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t
Robinson also relates how on his journey back, TSA agents again singled him out for harassment while displaying virtually no interest whatsoever in a bag of unmarked white powder being carried by his partner.
“I went through Long Beach’s airport, where I was told the “machine” randomly selected me for additional testing. Meanwhile, my travel companion walked through behind me with a gigantic unmarked bag of white powder. The TSA agent asked what it was, he told the agent it was protein powder, the agent asked another agent if that was allowed, that agent shrugged and said yeah, and my friend walked right through. Imagine if that were an actual dangerous substance,” writes Robinson.
The FBI worker writes of how he is “glad someone is highlighting the insanity that is the TSA.”
That very insanity is the target of our national Opt Out and Film campaign which runs during Thanksgiving week November 19-26. We are encouraging travelers to opt out of the TSA’s ludicrous policies, including chat downs, orders to “freeze” and x-ray body scanners, in addition to filming TSA grope downs.
For more information on the campaign click here or click here for the campaign Facebook page.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

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