Friday, June 15, 2012


Updated June 15, 2012 14:18:36
2. If no, why is an government agency seeking to invade people’s privacy for making something in the region of $100 a month?
3. How did Centrelink actually come across these names to begin with? In other words, where is the valid ‘cause of action’ that gives rise to this invasion of privacy?
4. Are they trying to bring into the open a practice they have been doing in private?
4. Is this the thin end of the wedge? i.e. Is this an excuse to legitimise this practice in the eyes of the sheeple so that they wont grumble too much when it is rolled out to ALL Australian’s?
5. Will this lead to other agencies demanding their piece of your private pie?  
Centrelink says it is cracking down on people who are receiving benefits and simultaneously making large profits on the trading website eBay.What is a large profit? If 20k between 15 thousand people, or even 20k is considered a large profit, how does Centrelink define profits made by mining companies, weapons manufacturers, banks & religion?
The head of Centrelink, Hank Jongen, says many people may have declared the money legally, and he says the agency is not targeting those who use the website as a hobby.
Well not at this stage.
But he says the Government wants to make sure the system is not being abused.
This would be because the government hates competition.
"The aim of this program which is really a pilot, is to identify people who may be receiving Centrelink payments who are operating an organised business in the online cash economy in order to hide profits," he said.
Did you know that Centrelink swaps private information with another private corporation dressed up as a governmental agency, namely the Australian Tax Office?
Would we as a community react with outrage if this was an ATO plot to receive private data from a private company? If the answer is yes then know that they can access all of the data that Centrelink gets. 
The emergence of new technology has meant that in reality we've got to become more innovative in the way we detect fraud.
Centrelink chief Hank Jongen
"The emergence of new technology has meant that in reality we've got to become more innovative in the way we detect fraud.
What is the new technology? The internet? Internet trading? ebay? This is knopwn in my community as a lie. What is it called in yours?
"Online trading creates an opportunity for people to earn income and in some instances we believe people may not be declaring that income.”
Do you know what the word ‘income’ means?
Mr Jongen says eBay is co-operating with the Government.
Maybe, you should stop dealing with ebay, maybe, tell them that you don’t appreciate their actions violating people’s privacy. Tomorrow it could be yours. Companies listen when their bottom line becomes affected.
But the president of the Australian Council for Civil Liberties, Terry O'Gorman, says it is a gross invasion of privacy. No shit sherlock.
"What we say should happen is that if police have probable cause for investigating someone, they go to a magistrate, they get a warrant and they access that person's eBay records that way," he said. Is this a F.O.G?
Hopefully after you have had the opportunity to be at that hearing defending your interests I presume, not that it matters given the Magistrate and the Police have no separation due to the fact that the Magistrate acts in a place that is a registered business that not only trades as ’the magistrates court’ but also corporately governs the registered business that is called the Police.
Did you know this? It is the reason why you can’t get a fair “hearing”? You are actually in a place of business, not a court. 
Of course, you should shaking your fist Homer Simpson style whilst cursing these ‘no good dole bludgers’, who live the life of riley while you go out and assume the role of an employee on the plantation. This is why the tiniest semblance of refutation occurred right @ the end of this article after you have been subjected to an opinion masked as a journalistic story throughout this hit piece.

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