Saturday, November 27, 2010


George investigates how almost $135 Billion in Kennedy Bearer Bonds dropped into the hands of the Italian Police.

Citizen George W. Hunt makes a complaint in this videotape against the Federal Reserve Board and various Treasury officials for criminal actions against the people of America.. He accuses Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner, Director of the National Economic Council, Lawrence Summers and other parties of withholding facts pertaining to an apparent theft of $134.5 Billion in U.S. notes and bonds, including ten $1 Billion Kennedy Bonds, apparently used to float a U.S. Currency. If the Kennedy bearer bonds are real, there has been a theft from the United States Treasury vaults of huge proportions and into the crooked hands of various European and American banks.

Mr. Hunt provides adequate facts that a plan may be in operation to sell real and counterfeit U.S. bonds in Europe and elsewhere. These secret bond sales have created artificial capital on the banks’ balance sheets, allowing them to purchase hard assets with the false capital they have created.

Another section of the video describes how the Rothschild group bank chain of Agricole Credit banks received $3 Billion in cash from the U.S. taxpayers’ TARP funds. Sophisticated debt and currency swaps orchestrated by AIG, Agricole Credit and other banks before the October 2008 crash made AIG a multi-billion dollar debtor to the Rothschild and European banks—and Americans paid the bills to Europe through AIG bailout money.

The entire operation smells of conspiracy and Hunt tries to inform Americans to realize how they are being cheated over and over again by our government officials and the Senators and Representatives who turn their heads away from these evils. Hunt encourages action to learn the truth behind these huge questions about Geithner, Summers, Obama, Rothschild, Greenspan, Bernanke and other “public servants”.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Carly Crawford, New York From: Herald Sun November 10, 2010

Former US President George W Bush talks with fans while signing copies of his new memoir Decision Points at a book shop in Dallas, Texas. Source: AFP

FORMER US president George W Bush seriously considered John Howard's opinion before deciding to invade Iraq, the most controversial foreign policy decision he made during his eight years in the Oval Office.

In his memoirs, Bush reveals he put serious stock in then Australian leader Howard's position on the contentious 2003 war against tyrant Saddam Hussein.

"Almost every ally I consulted - even staunch advocates of confronting Saddam like Prime Minister John Howard of Australia - told me a UN resolution was essential to winning public support in their countries," he writes in the book Decision Points.

Bush's then US Secretary of State Colin Powell had told him the same thing.

The president went on to seek UN clearance but the world body did not explicitly authorise the war, opting instead to green-light more inspections for nuclear weapons with "serious consequences" for non-compliance. They were always going to invade, with, or without justification of any description.

But the US and its allies, including Britain and Australia, pushed ahead with the use of military force, drawing criticism from some nations.

"I didn't have a lot of faith in the UN," Bush writes.

"The Security Council had passed 16 resolutions against Saddam to no avail."

The 43rd president mounts a passionate defence of the war -The Herald Sun ALWAYS refers to this unjustified invasion as a war even though most politicians, media commentators and public refer to these invasions as invasions. Of course this paper is owned by the American Rupert Murdoch- in his memoirs, which have been released in the US.

Bush makes three references to his friend Howard, including his famous "man of steel" reference.

Bush recounts the January 2009 ceremony in Washington at which he awarded the rare Medal of Freedom to three world leaders - former British PM Tony Blair, Colombian president Alvaro Uribe and Howard.

He recounts the intimate conversations he had with his "courageous" British ally Blair about the war, but mentions Howard and Uribe only in a footnote in the context of the medal. So much for John Coward being a good friend of the American war-criminal and mass murderer.

“At the same ceremony, I presented the Medal of Freedom to Prime Minister John Howard of Australia, who I called a 'man of steel' and to President Alvaro Uribe, the courageous leader of Colombia.”

In the book, Bush also defends his handling of Hurricane Katrina and his response to the September 11 terror attacks -was that because he did as he was told?-, which have been slammed as slow and inadequate.

The retired Texas politician also says he was "damn right" to allow the CIA to use the simulated drowning technique known as waterboarding in the interrogation of September 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. So I guess it WASN'T Osama Bin Laden after all, except that controversial Melbourne ABC774 radio host John Faine not only said it was Bin Laden, but he then ridiculed a caller into his show that illustrated that Bin Laden isn't wanted by the FBI for 9/11. So, maybe the 9/11 mastermind is whomever is paraded in front of the corporate media by the US et al at any given time to stifle debate on the failing invasion.

There are references to Kevin Rudd or former foreign minister Alexander Downer.


Stephen McMahon From: Herald Sun November 10, 2010
Julia Gillard

Julia Gillard has been accused of plotting Kevin Rudd's downfall. Source: Herald Sun

PRIME Minister Julia Gillard has been accused of orchestrating the plot that toppled Kevin Rudd.

Liberal powerbroker Michael Kroger says the then deputy leader of the Labor Party told a senior Melbourne businessman a week before the overthrow of Kevin Rudd that a leadership challenge would take place within the next 7 days.

But Labor has long maintained the coup against Mr Rudd was swift and brutal beginning and ending in the 24-hour period of June 23 after a series of meetings between Ms Gillard and right-wing faction bosses Mark Arbib from NSW, Bill Shorten and David Feeney from Victoria, and Don Farrell from South Australia.

At the launch of union heavyweight Paul Howes' book Confessions of a Faceless Man, an inside account of the election, Mr Kroger questioned the truth of the Prime Minister's story.“Julia Gillard told at least one Melbourne businessman the week before the challenge there would be a change of leader in the next week,'' he said.

Mr Kroger admitted he can't prove it.

But he says the information came from a very good sources and Labor was close to business leaders in Victoria.

“The 23rd of June wasn't the first time she knew about it she knew about this in the week before the challenge,'' Mr Kroger said.

After more than 30 years close to the centre of power and a number of leadership challenges in Liberal politics, Mr Kroger said it was impossible to put together a leadership challenge within 24 hours and more time was needed to ensure support for any coup.

A bemused, Mr Howes admitted it was the first he had ever heard about such a plot

Sunday, November 14, 2010


"If Bacon wrote Shakespeare,
the Promus is intelligible -
if he did not,
it is an insoluble riddle."

Robert Theobald,
Shakespeare Studies In Baconian Light, 1901

From Edward D. Johnson: "The Shaksper Illusion," chapter:"Francis Bacon's Promus"

FRANCIS BACON 'S Promus is by itself sufficient evidence to show that the man who wrote the Promus also wrote the "Shakespeare" Plays.

Bacon kept a private memorandum book which he called The Promus of Formularies and Elegancies which from time to time he jotted down any words, similies, phrases, proverbs or colloquialisms which he thought might come in useful in connection with his literary work, gathering them together so as to be able to draw upon them as occasion should require. The word Promus means storehouse, and Bacon's Promus contains nearly 2,000 entries in various languages such as English, Greek, Latin, Italian, Spanish and French.
The Promus which was in Bacon's own hand-writing, fortunately was preserved and is now in the British Museum.
It was reproduced and published for the first time by Mrs. Henry Pott in 1883. No one, of course, knows the date when he commenced to make this collection, it may have been written during the years 1594 to 1596. Folio 85 being dated Dec. 5, 1594(This is a sample page), and Folio 4 being dated 27 Jan. 1595. The Promus was a private note book and was unknown to the public for a period of more than 200 years after it was written.
Now it is a significant fact that Bacon in the works published under his own name makes very little use of the notes he had jotted down in the Promus . What was the object of making this collection of phrases, etc.? The answer is that they were used in his dramatic works published by Bacon in the name of ''William Shakespeare.'' A great number of these entries are reproduced in the ''Shakespeare'' plays.
An appendix to the book has a table illustrating the many entries which also appear in the works of Shakespeare.

The Stratfordians try to get over this fact by contending that these expressions were in common use at the time,
but Bacon would not be such a fool as to waste his time by making a note of anything that was commonly current. The words and expressions in the Promus occur so frequently in the ''Shakespeare'' plays that it is quite clear that the author of the Plays had seen and made use of the "Promus "and Will Shakesper could not have seen Francis Bacon's private notebook.

The most important evidence in the Promus is the word ALBADA, Spanish for good dawning (Folio 112). This expression good dawning' only appears once in English print, namely, in the play of King Lear where we find "Good dawning to thee friend," Act 2, Scene 2. This word ALBADA is in the Promus 1594-96 and King Lear was not published until 1600's.If Will Shaksper had not seen the "Promus", and as he could not read Spanish, it would mean that some friend had found this word ALBADA, meaning good dawning and told Shaksper about it, and that Shaksper then put the word into King Lear, which sounds highly improbable. A part of one of the folios in the "Promus "is devoted by Bacon to the subject of salutations such as good morrow, good soir, good matin, bon jour, good day. From this it would appear that Bacon wished to introduce these salutations into English speech. These notes were made in the Promus in 1596 and it is a remarkable co-incidence that in the following year 1597 the play of Romeo and Juliet was published containing some of these salutations, and they afterwards appeared in other "Shakespeare" plays good morrow being used 115 times; good day, I5 times; and good soir (even), 12 times. These words are found in the ''Shakespeare'' Plays and nowhere else.

The following show some of the connections between the Promus and the "Shakespeare" Plays.

Promus (I594-96) "To drive out a nail with a nail.''
Coriolanus, Act 4 Sc. 7 (1623) ''One fire drives out one fire; one nail, one nail."
"One nail by strength drives out another."

* *
Promus (1594-96) "Fire shall try every man's work."
Merchant of Venice, "The fire seven times tried this''
Act 2, Sc. 9 (1600)

* *
Promus (1594-96) "Conscience is worth a thousand witnesses."
Richard III, Act 5, ''Every man's conscience is a thousand swords." Sc. 2 (1597)

* *
Promus (1594-96) "A Fool's bolt is soon shot."
Henry V, Act 3, Sc.7(1623) "A Fool's bolt is soon shot."

* *
Promus (1594-96) "Good wine needs no bush."
As You Like It,Epilogue (1623) "Good wine needs no bush."

* *
Promus (1594-96) "I had not known sin but by the law.''
Measure for Measure Act 2, Sc. I (1623) "What do you think of the trade Pompey? Is it a lawful trade."

* *
Promus (1594-96) "Gratitude is justly due only for things unbought."
Timon of Athens, Act I, Sc. 2 (1623) "You mistake my love, I give it freely ever; and there's none can truly say he gives, if he receives.''

* *
Promus (1594-96) "To slay with a leaden sword."
Love's Labour's Lost, Act 5, Sc. 2 (1598) "Wounds like a leaden sword."

* *
Promus (1594-96) 'If our betters have sustained
the like events; we have the less cause to be grieved.''

Lucrece (1594) ''When we our betters see bearing our woes, we scarcely think our miseries our foes.''

* *
Promus 1594-96) "When he is dead, he will beloved."
Coriolanus, Act 4 Sc.6 (1600) "I shall be loved when I am lacked."

* *
Promus (1594-96)Suum cuique." (To every man his own).
Titus Andronicus,Act I, Sc. 2 (1600) "Suum cuique is our Roman Justice."

* *
Promus (1594-96) "Galen's compositions and Paracelsus' separations.''
All's Well that Ends Well,"So I say both of Galen and Paracelsus." Act 2, Sc. 3 (1623)

* *
Promus (1594-96) "He had rather have his will than his wish."
Henry V, Act 5, Sc.2 (1623) "So the maid that stood in the way for my wish shall show me the way to my will."

* *
Promus (1594-96) "They have a better question in Cheapside, 'What lack you?
King John, Act 4,Sc. I (1623) "What lack you?"

* *

Promus (1594-96) "Poets invent much."
As You Like It, Act 3, Sc. 3 (1623) ''The truest poetry is the most feigning."

* *
Promus (1595-96) "He who loans to a friend loses double."
Hamlet, Act I,Sc. 3 (1604) ''Loan oft loses both itself and friend."

* *
Promus (1594-96) "We think that a rich man is always right."
Timon of Athens,Act I, Sc. 2 (1623) ''Faults that are rich are fair."

* *

Promus (1594-96) "Have recourse to a foreign war to appease parties at home."
2 Henry IV, Act 4,Sc,5 (1600) "Be it thy course to busy giddy minds with foreign quarrels.''

* *
Promus (1594-96) ''Always let losers have their words."
Titus Andronicus, Act 1, Sc. I (1600) ''Losers will have leave to ease their stomachs with their bitter tongues."

* *
Promus (1594-96) "The prudent man conceals his knowledge."
3 Henry VI, Act 4 Sc.7 (1623) "'Tis wisdom to conceal our meaning."

* *
Promus (1594-96) "Things done cannot be undone."
Macbeth, Act 5, Sc.i (1623) "What's done cannot be undone."

* *.
Promus (1594-96) "Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak."
Hamlet, Act, I,Sc. 3(1604) ''Give every man thine ear, but few thy voice."

* *
Promus (1594-96) ''Leisure breeds evil thoughts.''
Anthony and Cleopatra Act I, Sc. 2 (1623) "We bring forth weeds when our quick minds be still."

* *
Promus (1594-96) "A boy's love doth not endure.''
King Lear, Act 3 Sc. 6 (1608) "He's mad that trusts in a boy's love."

* *
Promus (1594-96) "A cat may look on a King."
Romeo and Juliet, Act 3,Sc.3 (1597) "Every cat and dog may look on her."

* *
Promus (1594-96) "He had need be a wily mouse should breed in a cat's ear."
Henry V, Act 3 Sc. 7 (1623) "That's a valiant flea that dare eat his breakfast on the lip of a lion."

* *
Promus (1594-96) "Our sorrows are our school-masters.''
King Lear, Act 2, Sc. 4 (1608) ''To wilful men, the injuries that they themselves procure, must be their schoolmasters.''

* *
Promus (1594-96) "To fight with a shadow."
Merchant of Venice, Act I, Sc. 2 (1600) ''He will fence with his own shadow.''

* *
Promus (1594-96) ''Diluculo surgere saluberrimum est.''
Twelfth Night (Act 2,Sc,2) (1623) "Diluculo surgere, thou knowest.''

* *
Promus (1594-96) "To stumble at the threshold."
3 Henry VI, Act 4, Sc. 7 (1623) "Many men that stumble at the threshold.''

* *
Promus (1594-96) ''Thought is free.''
The Tempest, Act 3 Sc.2 (1623)''Thought is free.''
Twelfth Night, Act I,Sc. 3 (1623) ''Thought is free.''

* *
Promus (1594-96) "Out of God's blessing into the warm sun."
King Lear, Act 2, Sc. 2 (1608)"Thou out of heaven's benediction com'st to the warm sun."

* *
Promus (1594-96) "Put no confidence in Princes"
Henry VII, Act 3' "0, how wretched is that poor man, that hangs on princes' favours.''

* *
Promus (1594-96) ''Frost burns.''
Hamlet Act 3 Sc.4 (1604) ''Frost itself as actively doth born."

* *
Promus (1594-96) "Appetite comes by eating."
Hamlet, Act I, ''As if increase of appetite had grown by what he feeds on."
Sc. 2 (1604)

* *

Promus (1594-96) "Better coming to the ending of a feast than to the beginning of a fray."
I Henry IV , Act 4, "The latter end of a fray and the beginning of a feast." Sc. 2 (1598)

* *
Promus (1594-96) "He stumbles who makes too much haste."
Romeo and Juliet,Act 2, Sc. 3 (1599) "They stumble that run fast."

* *
Promus (1594-96) "Anyone can manage a boat in calm weather."
Coriolanus, Act 4, Sc. I (1623) ''When the sea was calm, all boats alike show'd master-ship in floating."

* *
Promus (1594-96) "Happy man, happy dole."
Merry Wives of Windsor Act 3, Sc. 4(1623) "Happy man be his dole."
Henry IV, Act 2,Sc. 2 (1598) "Happy man be his dole."
The Taming of the Shrew Act I, Sc. I (1623) "Happy man be his dole."
The Winter's Tale, Act 1, Sc. 2 (1623) "Happy man be his dole."

* *
Promus (1594-96) "An ill wind that bloweth no man to good."
2 Henry IV, Act 5, "The ill wind which blows no man to good."

* *
Promus (1594-96) "Seldom cometh the better."
Richard III, Act 2,Sc. 3(1597)''Seldom comes the better."

* *
Promus (1594-96) "A thorn is gentle when it is young."
Henry VI, Act 5,Sc. 5 (1623) "What can so young a thorn begin to prick."

* *
Promus (1594-96) "He who has not patience has nothing.

"Othello, Act 2, Sc. 3 (1622) "How poor are they that have not patience.''

* *
Promus (1594-96) "Know thyself."
As You Like It, Act 3, Sc. 5 (1623) "Know yourself."


Rare Carroll Quigley interview from 1974.
  PART 2


By Jason Bermas This documentary can be ordered at


Bacon & Shakespeare Manuscripts in One Portfolio!

By far the most interesting Shakespearean document ever unearthed.-Williard Parker

In 1867 in Northumberland House a manuscript folder was discovered which at one time had been in Francis Bacon's possession. The folder contained a list with some of Bacon's well-known works along with two of the Shakespeare plays. (facsimile in modern script of the front cover page)

It is the only Elizabethan document that has both the names Shakespeare and Francis Bacon written together. The Northumberland Manuscript is a valuable contemporary document which, although somewhat damaged by a fire in old Northumberland House, survives to prove that "Shakespeare's" Manuscripts of Richard II and Richard III were once tied up in a portfolio with Francis Bacon's Conference of Pleasure, some speeches, Nash's Isle of Dogs and an old play that is lost. The fact remains that on the old parchment cover is written the names of Bacon and Shakespeare in the list of contents and scattered sentences from the Shakespeare plays including the unusual word from Love's Labour's Lost, honorificabilitudini. On the back side of the cover are the words "put into type."

A Letter of Francis Bacon's

Bacon speaks again and again of Richard II, and in a letter to the Earl of Devonshire, says:

" I remember an answer of mine in a manner which had some affinity* with my Lord's cause; which, though it grew from me, went after about in other's names; for her Majesty being mightily incensed with that book which dedicated to my Lord Essex, being a story of the first year of King Henry IV, thinking it a seditious prelude to put into the people's heads boldness and faction, said, she had an opinion there was treason in it, and asked me if I could not find any places in it that might be drawn with with case of treason......... And, another time, when the Queen could not be persuaded that it was his writing whose name was to it, but that it had some more mischievous author......said with great indignation that she would have him "racked to produce his author."

*{the prose work of Henry IV , ascribed to John Hayward, was to all intents and purposes, the life of Richard II. Only a small portion at the end is concerned with Henry IV, the main text with Richard.}

Bacon and the Queen regarding Richard II

In Bacon's Apothegems it is said that,

"The book of deposing Richard the Second, and the coming in of Henry the Fourth, supposed to be written by Dr. Hayward, who was committed to the Tower for it, had much incensed Elizabeth, and she asked Mr. Bacon, being then of her learned counsel: Whether there were no treason contained in it? Mr. Bacon, intending to do him a pleasure, and to take off the Queen's bitterness with a jest, answered:
"No, madam, for treason I cannot deliver opinion that there is any, but very much felony." The Queen apprehending it gladly, asked: "How and wherein?" Mr. Bacon answered: "Because he had stolen many of his sentences and conceits out of Cornelius Tacitus."

This is a charming historical anecdote and shows how both of them were masters in the art of fencing.

In an early number of Baconiana, a writer showed that whole pages of The Annals of Tacitus were used in Richard II. The play was staged in 1597, during the Essex Rebellion and before , and Bacon, at the trial of Essex makes the cryptic remark: "It is said I gave in evidence mine own tales." All these indications point to Bacon's connection with Richard II.

Mr. Henry Seymour, in Baconiana, (December 1926) pointed out the extraordinary fact that this play was published anonymously in the first instance, and that only when the Queen was hunting for it's author to "rack" him, the new edition of 1598 was issued with the name of "William Shakespeare" as author! Was this the moment to print a real author's name upon it? It plainly shows that this name was but a pseudonym, that Bacon was the concealed author, and that his knowledge of its "cribbing" from Tacitus was an unconscious admission of the fact.

On the Northumberland manuscript can be seen the symbol of Pallas Athena the Spear-Shaker, the hand glass which also appears in one of Francis Bacon's well-known signatures.

It appears at the top of the page under the words 'Mr.ffrauncis Bacon of Tribute or giving what is dew.' The glyph that looks like a "6"laying on its side is a Rosicross symbol representing the mirror of Pallas Athena, which in the myth was used to capture Medusa. The mirror was a means of receiving and transmitting knowledge or wisdom by reflection. It was Bacon's secret symbol representing that he was Shake-speare, the representative of Pallas Athena the Spear-Shaker.

The following quotation from Bacon's Advancement of Learning and the Bible illustrates how he used the Knights symbol of the glass and mirrorWhence as Solomon declares,

"That the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear with hearing; so of knowledge itself he says, God hath made all things beautiful in their seasons; also he hath placed the world in man's heart; yet cannot man find out the work which God worketh from the beginning to the end; hereby declaring plainly that God has framed the mind like a glass, capable of the image of the universe, and desirous to receive it as the eye to receive the light; But if mankind were desirous to search after useful things,they aught attentively, minutely, and on set purpose, to view the workmanship and particular operations of nature, and be continually examining and casting about which of them may be transfered to arts; for nature is the mirror of art. For the mind, darkened by it's covering the body, is far from being a flat, equal, and clear mirror that receives and reflects the rays without mixture, but rather as a magical glass, full of superstitions and apparitions."

Generally academic Shakespeare "scholars" prefer not to mention this all important Northumberland Manuscript, as it clearly refers to the fact that both Bacon's and Shakespeare's names are so intimately connected. It is also generally accepted that two Shakespeare plays, Richard II and Richard III were removed from the manuscript, along with The Earl of Arundel's Letter to the Queen, Oration at Gray's Inn Revels, an address to the Queen by Francis Bacon, Essays by Bacon, Asmund and Cornelia (possible play), The Isle of Dogs, a play by Thomas Nashe and a portion of Leicester's Commonwealth all which were probably once in possession of it's original owner, Francis Bacon.

Howard Bridgewater, Barrister-at-Law, in part of his article for Baconiana (Spring 1948) called Documentary Evidence of Francis Bacon's Authorship of the Immortal Plays writes the following on the Northumberland Manuscript :

"Before furthur discussing this intriguing document, it is important that we should endeavor to fix the date of it. In the first place, the writing is in Elizabethan script, and internal evidence suggests that it was written before 1597, for the first edition of Bacon's Essays was published in that year, and having been put into print it is unlikely that anyone afterwards, more especially Bacon himself, would want to have copied out again in writing.
Rather significantly, of these Essays which had previously circulated in manuscript form, Bacon wrote in his Epistle Dedicatory to the first edition of them as follows :
"I doe nowe, like some that have an Orcharde ill neighboured, that gather their fruit before its ripe, to prevent stealing. These fragments of my conceite were going to print. Therefore I held it best discretion to publish them myselfe, as they passed long agoe from my pen."

The first significant thing about this folder of transcripts, mostly of Bacon's works, is that there is included in the list of contents two Shakespeare plays which are not described as by Shakespeare, though the Isle of Dogs is specifically attributed to Nashe, and Leicester's Commonwealth is entered as "author uncertain," or, to be strictly correct, "incerto autore."
The second and still more significant thing about it is that this list of contents on the cover is scribbled all over, especially at the foot of it with "your" and "yourself" in juxtaposition to the words "William Shakespeare," sometimes spelled "Shak" and sometimes without the "e" at the end. It is as though the writer of these scribblings, which were apparently made about the time when the "Shakespeare" plays were beginning to appear under that name, and not, as previously, anonymously, was, in the course of trying out a new pen, or perhaps just mischieviously scribbling, revealing his knowledge of the fact that William Shakespeare or Shakspere, however spelled, was merely a name which was being used by Bacon. This impression is very strongly supported by the fact immediately above the entries relating to Rychard the Second and "Rychard the Third" (where there was more space to interpolate it than there was below those entries) appears the phrase "By Mr. Ffrauncis William Shakespeare." And somewhat significantly, as it seems to me, there is written just above and to one side of the several repititions of the word "Shakespeare," towards the end of the page, the sentence, "Revealing day through every cranny peepes." That sentence, which will be recognized as being taken from The Rape of Lucrece, is followed by the words "and see Shak: your William Shakespeare," etc.
It certainly seems as though the writer of these scribblings, without saying so in so many words, is revealing the fact, of which I think he was a little proud, that whatever was generally thought about the matter, he, at any rate, was well aware that William Shakespeare was nothing but a name. It is curious that the very first document that we find on which the names of Shakespeare and Bacon appear in juxtaposition should be of such and extraordinary character. Absolute proof that Bacon, for the purpose of his plays, was "Shakespeare," the Northumberland Manuscript cannot pretend to be, but, though falling short of proof positive and unanswerable, it constitutes in more ways than one, documentary evidence connecting Francis Bacon with the plays, of an extremely illuminating character.
The chief point to remember, then, about this folder, which, according to the list of contents, should have, and probably at one time did contain two of the so-called "Shakespeare" Plays, is that someone, about 350 years ago, scribbled on it in such a way as to say, in effect, "You don't deceive me, my dear Mr. Francis Bacon, with your William Shakespeare pseudonymit's you yourself, Mr. Ffrauncis, who is the author of those plays! "


by Michael Taylor
Sir Francis Bacon
The Secret Bard

"Truth can never be reached by just listening to the voice of an authority." -- Francis Bacon
"But when I searched, I found no work so meritorious as the discovery and development of the arts and inventions that tend to civilise the life of man." -- Francis Bacon
"That extra-ordinary genius, when it was impossible to write a history of what was known, wrote one of what it was necessary to learn." -- on Bacon
Elizabethan England was anything but a free society. Like Continental Europe at the time, the authority of the Monarchies and the Church was undisputed. Sovereigns held the power of life or death over their subjects. Authorities encouraged informers - spies - to hand in heretics and political radicals, who were then tortured into confessions before their executions. England was split over religion, and its coming renaissance was but a flicker in the minds of a tiny learned elite.
In the midst of this unstable background, Elizabeth 1 came to the throne in 1558. By the time Charles I succeeded to the Throne in 1625, English language had been transformed, and English commerce and trade led the world. America was being colonised, and foundations had been laid for a revolution in political thought and science. W.T. Smedley, a Bacon biographer, states:
"From 1576 to 1623 the English language was made the finest examples of its capacities which today exist: But the knowledge and wisdom possessed by the classical writers, the histories of the principal nations of the world, practically everything that was worth knowing in the literature of other countries, were for the first time made available in the English tongue." ring to bring about a revolution along the lines of Bacon's thought. They acquainted Bacon with mystery traditions like Gnosticism, the Egyptian mysteries and the Knight Templars, which influenced his later writings. So Bacon's subsequent political career in the Elizabethan Parliament and under James I was as much of a sideshow to the vast philosophical undertaking he had set himself as his practice as a lawyer. Even so, he represented many constituencies, notably the foremost seat of Middlesex, and later simultaneously St Albans, Ipswich and Cambridge. Bacon is the only person in History to be a member of the House of Lords and the House of Commons at the same time. In Parliament he served on no less than 29 committees, and was regarded as one of the most eloquent orators ever to have stood before the House of Commons.
Yet he saw that omnipotent Government was not the answer. "The truth can never be reached by listening to the voice of authority", said Bacon. He opposed subsidies for business and Government granted monopolies. In 1589 Bacon moved that a subsidy bill (a taxation bill) to give monies to the Queen be extraordinary, in other words be meant for war and only for war. The amendment was passed thus finally establishing the base for the eventual ascendancy of Parliament over the Crown. In 1593, under the threat of imprisonment by Elizabeth, Bacon again spoke against the Crown's encroachment on the right of the House of Commons to set taxation levels. Bacon believed the amount asked for would press heavily on the poor and many would not be able to pay it. Bacon won against the Crown, and secured for the English freedom of speech in their own Parliament and the right of the Commons to set the amount of supply to the Crown. 10
Bacon spoke against feudal privileges and opposed the enclosure of common lands by land-owners. He also proposed to alter the language of the laws to make them accessible to the common man. "Laws are made to guard the rights of the people, not to feed lawyers.", said Bacon in Parliament. Francis fought in Parliament for union with the Scots to increase the strength of England against threats from the continent, and pushed for expansion of colonisation in America, notably Newfoundland and Virginia. 11 He was respected by all, mainly for his virtue, but held in jealousy by his enemies like the hunchback Robert Cecil, who knew the real secret of his birth and desired to keep him down. Under James I, Bacon rose in 1606 to Solicitor-General, in 1613 achieved the post of Attorney-General. In 1618 he became Lord Chancellor of England, until his fall from public office in 1621 after being framed by his Parliamentary colleague and nemesis from Elizabethan times, Edward Coke. 12
Bacon's Philosophy
Bacon's method for permeating his philosophical ideas into the collective unconscious of the age can best be summarised in his motto: bene visit qui bene latuit - One lives best by the hidden life. Bacon resurrected the Rosicrucian Mystery school and the Freemasons, and injected new life into these secret fraternity societies so they became vehicles for the new Baconian philosophy of reason and scientific enquiry. Bacon, like Goethe, scorned knowledge that did not lead to action and also scorned the denial of evil in ourselves. Bacon was grateful to Machiavelli for his frank appraisal of the shadow side of human nature in politics: "We are beholden to Machiavelli, and writers of that kind, who openly and unmasked declare what men do in fact, and not what they ought to do; for it is impossible to join the wisdom of the serpent and the innocence of the dove, without the precious knowledge of the nature of evil." 13 Bacon's works touch on all aspects of humanity - politics, religion, theology, scientific method, but his most brilliant observations are psychological. Foreshadowing the discoveries by Carl Jung about the nature of the unconscious and the shadow side of man, Bacon recognised that the baseness of man should be recognised and dealt with openly, not repressed and personified as the devil.

In modern political vernacular, Bacon was a conservative. He saw an ideal Government as one which was benevolent without the worst excesses of despotism by rulers, or by the majority. "It is almost without instance that any government was unprosperous under learned governors." 14 Bacon had a goal to be that Governor - a philospher-king - as Francis 1 of England, until Elizabeth's death ended this dream.
In science, Bacon sought nothing less than the reconstruction of a system that could be applied to the relief of man's suffering. He constructed a new Classification of Science (The Advancement of Learning, 1603-05), described a new method for the Interpretation of Nature (Things Thought and Seen, 1607, Thread of the Labyrinth, 1606, Novum Organum, 1608-20). He investigated the phenomena of nature in Natural History (1622), and showed how the writers of the past had advanced their truths to the time of Bacon in Forest of Forests, published in 1624. Bacon recorded "anticipations" of scientific results he felt would come from application of his methods in On Origins (1621). As a result of applying these principles, he described the basis of a new society that would emerge in The New Atlantis (1624). This Magna Instauratio, the great reconstruction, was inspired by the vision Bacon had in his youth, and was a herculean task without precedent in the history of thought. As Bacon stated in the preface to Magna Instauratio. "and I am laboring to lay the foundation not of any sect or doctrine, but of utility and power". To Bacon, "Knowledge is power, not mere argument or ornament." In Advancement of Learning, Bacon suggested that all areas of life had rational rules and an empirical basis: medicine, psychology, even dreams, predictions and other occult phenomena. Yet he comes full circle at the end of this survey, concluding that science needs to be guided by philosophy. Bacon applies this to politics. The pursuit of politics becomes a destructive bedlam when divorced from science and philosophy, in other words from rationality and higher goals. So Bacon suggested the organisation of science itself, of communication between centres of learning to share research and resources, and of royal patronage of the sciences. A direct result was the Royal Society in Britain, formed with the financial support of the Crown.
Novum Organum
The Novum Organum represents the summit of Francis Bacon's open works. It was to introduce a new method of logic to learning, to replace the old ways which had borne so little fruit. He pointed to errors in thought that had to be corrected in order for man to advance. The first was that experience of the world should have primacy, not the realities - or misconceptions - the minds of men held. Observation was to be the cornerstone of scientific method. The second error that he observed was the fact that different men look at the same experience in different ways: we filter reality to suit our present state, not seeing what is really there. Thirdly, Bacon saw the inappropriate and careless use of language as an enemy to true understanding. Lastly, Bacon saw errors in looking at the world through the eyes of other philosophers. Plato's world says more about Plato than the world, for instance. It remains for Francis Bacon to explain the scientific method of inquiry - experimentation and observation. By accumulating data, says Bacon, we come to the form of the phenomena, its essence.

The modern secular age of science was foreshadowed in The New Atlantis, the story of an island utopia in the Pacific where science prevailed over ignorance and superstition in all spheres of human life. Politically, the island has no elections, no ruler, just a learned council of men who have proven themselves by scientific achievement. In other words, a government without politicians. Most of the time these "rulers" were engaged in trying to control nature rather than their fellow man.
The Future of Liberty
Bacon, aware that his philosophy and schemes were not perfect, nevertheless laid the foundation for a new age of secular wisdom. When the Royal Society was formed in 1662, the founders named Bacon as their model and inspiration. The great minds of the French Enlightenment dedicated their masterpiece cyclopdie to Francis Bacon. Diderot said of him "That extra-ordinary genius, when it was impossible to write a history of what was known, wrote one of what it was necessary to learn." Will Durant states in The Story of Philosophy: "The whole tenor and career of British thought have followed the philosophy of Bacon. The inductive method gave John Locke the idea of an empirical psychology, bound by observation and freed from theology and metaphysics; and his emphasis on "commodities" and "fruits" found formulation in [Jeremy] Bentham's identification of the useful and the good." 15

Edmund Burke was also greatly influenced by the Lord Chancellor: "Genius the most profound, of literature the most extensive, of discovery the most penetrating, of observation of human life the most distinguished and refined." 16 Thomas Jefferson was also profoundly influenced by Bacon's writings, and Jefferson himself thought he was fulfilling Bacon's dreams as summarised in "The New Atlantis" by founding the United States. Biographer Hepworth Dixon summarises the contribution Bacon's open works made to our world:
"The obligations of the world to Francis Bacon are of a kind that cannot be overlooked. Every man who rides in a train, who sends a telegram, who follows a steam plough, who sits in an easy chair, who crosses the channel or the Atlantic, who eats a good dinner, who enjoys a beautiful garden, or undergoes a painless surgical operation, OWES HIM SOMETHING. "To him the patriot, the statesman, the law reformer, the scientific jurist, the historian, the collector of anecdote, the lover of good wit, of humorous wisdom and of noble writing, also OWES HIM SOMETHING." 17

A guiding spirit behind the schemes of Raleigh and others to set fledging colonies on an untamed continent, Francis Bacon was tireless in lobbying the King and his fellow countrymen to explore and colonise America. And under the pen-name Shakespeare, Bacon had the most significant effect on English literature of any single person in history. He literally recreated the entire English language, writing the greatest literary works of the Western World. It is without precedent that one man could achieve so much in one life. But to Bacon can be credited the groundwork for our modern age of reason, science and liberty in the West.
"No Age hath ever Wits refined so fat,
And yet she calms them by her Policy:
To Her THY SON must make his SACRIFICE
If he will have the Morning of his Eyes."

Sir Francis Bacon writing a sonnet to his Mother, Queen Elizabeth I, 1596.

  1. W.T. Smedley, The Mystery of Francis Bacon, P 98.
  2. Francis Bacon, Novum Organum, 1620.
  3. Alfred Dodd, Francis Bacon's Personal Life-Story, (Century Hutchinson Ltd, 1986), P 101.
  4. Suggested Reading about the Bacon-Shakespeare Controversy and the ciphers in Shakespeare's plays can be found in:
    • Alfred Dodd, Francis Bacon's Personal Life-Story, (Century Hutchinson Ltd, 1986)
    • Edward D. Johnson, Francis Bacon's Maze, (The Francis Bacon Society, 1961)
    • Peter Dawkins, Arcadia, (The Francis Bacon Research Trust, 1988)
    • Peter Dawkins, Dedication to the Light, (The Francis Bacon Research Trust, 1987)
    • Euan McDuff, The Dancing Horse Will Tell You, (Eric Faulkner-Littlez, 1974)
  5. Peter Dawkins, Dedication to the Light, (The Francis Bacon Research Trust, 1987) PP 38-39
  6. Ibid, P 42
  7. Idid, P 38
  8. Ibid, P 48
  9. Ibid, P 58
  10. Ibid, P 48
  11. Francis Bacon's Personal Life-Story, P 138
  12. Dedication to the Light, PP 49-50
  13. Francis Bacon, Advancement of Learning, XXI, 2
  14. Francis Bacon, Preface to Magna Instauratio
  15. Will Durant, The Story of Philosophy, (Washington Square Press, 1961), P 142
  16. Francis Bacon's Personal Life-Story, P 551
  17. Francis Bacon's Personal Life-Story, P 550